Greek island hydrofoil ferry
Greek island shoreline
Leaving the harbor of a Greek island
Parthenon at night in Athens, Greece
Parthenon during the day in Athens, Greece
Roof of the Parthenon
Ruins of the Temple of Zeus in Athens
Street Vendor's Book Display — Nietzsche (Thus Spoke Zarathustra) and Camus (The Stranger) — Secular gods
Top of the Mars' Hill in Athens, Greece

Geisler Audio Collection

Can We Legislate Morality Not Converted to .MP3 file
Case for Capital Punishment Not Converted to .MP3 file
Christian and Civil Disobedience Not Converted to .MP3 file
Relatonship Between Church and State Not Converted to .MP3 file
The Christian and Revolution Not Converted to .MP3 file

Belief in Creation: What Difference Does It Make? Not Converted to .MP3 file
The Creator in the Courtroom: Background of the Controversy Not Converted to .MP3 file
The Creator in the Courtroom: The Legal Implications Not Converted to .MP3 file
The Creator in the Courtroom: The Religious Implications Not Converted to .MP3 file
The Creator in the Courtroom: The Scientific Implications Not Converted to .MP3 file
The Importance of the Doctrine of Creation Not Converted to .MP3 file
What the Bible says about Origins Not Converted to .MP3 file
What the Courts Have Said About Origins Not Converted to .MP3 file

Chrisian Social Responsibility Part 2 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Ethics and the Big Issues Not Converted to .MP3 file
Homosexuality and the Bible Not Converted to .MP3 file
How Humanism Took Over America Not Converted to .MP3 file
Space Technology: America's Tower of Babel? (See Comments) Finished .MP3 file
The Religion of Star Wars Not Converted to .MP3 file
To Drink or Not to Drink: A Sober Look at the Questions Not Converted to .MP3 file

Geisler, Berthold & Hyde: Is the Bible Inerrant? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler, Hoeller-Cogan, Taft: Should the Supreme Court Decision to Allow Abortions be Reversed? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler,Anderson-Shafersman,Edwards: Should Creationism be Taught in Public Schools? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler,Anderson-Shafersman,Edwards: Should Creationism be Taught in Public Schools? Part 1 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler,Anderson-Shafersman,Edwards: Should Creationism be Taught in Public Schools? Part 2 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler,Anderson-Shafersman,Edwards: Should Creationism be Taught in Public Schools? Part 2 (Second Copy) Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Beattle: Christianity vs. Unitarianism Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Beck: Is the Bible Inerrant? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Buchanan: Church & State: Wall of Separation or Bridge of Cooperation? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Cobb: Process Theism vs Classical Theism Part 1 Finished .MP3 file
Geisler-Cobb: Process Theism vs Classical Theism Part 2 Finished .MP3 file
Geisler-Devries: Does God Exist? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Foreman: Operation Rescue: Biblical or UnBiblical? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Kitcher: Should Creation Science be given Balanced Treatment with Evolution in the Classroom? Part 1 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Kitcher: Should Creation Science be given Balanced Treatment with Evolution in the Classroom? Part 2 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Kolenda: Christianity vs. Humanism Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Kurtz: Christianity vs Secular Humanism Part 1 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Kushner: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Part 1 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Kushner: Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Part 2 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-McKown: Christianity vs. Humanism Part 2 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Richardson: Creation vs. Evolution Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Richardson: Creation vs. Evolution (another copy) Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Saville: Are Miracles Possible? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Scriven: Is Christianity Credible? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Segel: Is Christianity Rational? Part 1 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Segel: Is Christianity Rational? Part 2 Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Simonson: Sexual Morality: Absolute or Relative? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Terry: Are the Tactics of Operation Rescue Biblical? Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Unity Ministers: Unity vs. Christianity Not Converted to .MP3 file
Geisler-Wood: Creation vs. Theistic Evolution Part 1 Not Converted to .MP3 file
